About Me


Hello! My name is Juan da Silva, I am an Artist. I love drawing, designing, creating, making everything that goes through my mind real, imagining it and bringing it down to this physical plane. Since I was little I have loved art in all its expressions and I captured it by drawing characters from series that I saw, making music, enjoying and admiring works by other artists, etc.

Then in high school I went to technical school, I learned to program which involves the use of a lot of logic. Years later I studied Marketing based on the art of starting your own business. One day I healed my fingers full of horrible warts with raw meat (a magical method of course haha) after having tried a thousand and one ways and methods of conventional medicine. From there my mind opened the doors of esoteric wisdom and I began to form my path in this sacred and ancient teaching. In this way, I found myself with the healing powers of nature, the holistic world, sacred geometry, deities, universal principles, ancestral wisdom and how spirituality, beyond every religious belief, leads to the same path that is that of heart, the certainty and self-discovery of one’s own divinity.

All this learning is what inspires me and leads me to share with you today this sacred art made with all my love to decorate and fill your home with great vibes. I thank you for visiting my store, reading me and I hope you love my art as much as I do and want to have it. I am at your service, write me!